5 nye i WFC's top
World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) har offentliggjort medlemmerne af det øverste råd, som skal lede forbundet i perioden 2019-2022.

De fem nye kiropraktorer i rådet er Ayla Azad fra Canada, Kendrah da Silva fra Sydafrika, Gian Joerger fra Schweiz, David Peeace fra Canada og Holly Tucker fra USA.1. Den nysammensatte ledelse i WFC Council mødes første gang før den fælles WFC/ECU kongres i Berlin i marts.
Medlemmerne af WFC Council bliver nomineret af deres respektive regioner og bliver efterfølgende valgt eller udpeget.
WFC Council fungerer som WFC’s bestyrelse mellem verdenskongresserne, der bliver holdt hvert andet år. WFC’s executive counsil vælges blandt medlemmerne af WFC Council og består af formanden, to næstformænd og sekretæren/kassereren.
“I look forward to working with the new Council. This is an exciting time for the profession with many opportunities to play an increasingly important role in healthcare. Our engagement with its Constituent Member national associations, educational institutions, donors and supporters and our status in official relations with the World Health Organization make the WFC a unique international body. Having worked through a detailed governance review over the past two years, we’re more confident than ever of being able to support, empower, promote and advance the profession as a modern, effective, versatile organization,” udtaler WFC-formanden Laurie Tassell i en nyhed om det nye råd.
De 13 medlemmer af WFC Council er: Ayla Azad (ny), David Peeace (ny), Holly Tucker (ny), John Maltby og Michele Maiers fra Nordamerika; Gian Joerger (ny) og Vivian Kil fra Europa; Corrian Poelsma og Laurie Tassell fra Stillehavsregionen; Kei Takeyachi fra Asien, Carlos Syres fra Latinamerika; Kendrah da Silva (ny) fra Afrika og Stathis Papadopoulos fra det østlige middelhav.
Tidligere på ugen offentliggjorde WFC, at professor Greg Kawchuk,University of Alberta, er genudpeget som formand for WFC forskningskomité, som sammen med andre førende forskere, bl.a. danske professor Jan Hartvigsen, vejleder WFC Council om videnskab og forskning.
“I would like to thank the WFC for placing its trust in me to lead the Research Committee for a further 4 years. It will be an exciting time for the chiropractic profession as it furthers its commitment to evidence-based, patient-centered care. As well as coordinating the WFC Suggested Reading List for Chiropractic, my committee is pleased to coordinate the scientific component of the WFC’s Biennial Congress, the largest showcase in the world for chiropractic research. As knowledge continues to evolve, the Research Committee looks forward to supporting the WFC leadership in its important work," udtaler Greg Kawchuk om genudpegningen.
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