"Berlin kan gå over i historien som et vendepunkt"
Evidensbasering var fokus for den nyligt afholdte verdenskongres, og dét hyldes som mere end en stor succes.

Kongressen i Berlin kan gå over i historien som et vendepunkt, hvor der ingen vej er tilbage, skriver verdenforbundets direktør Richard Brown i sit nr. 2 nyhedsbrev, Quarterly World Report, i år.
"This was a week where not just the leaders in chiropractic, but over 900 practicing clinicians, researchers, educators and students gathered together behind a new movement, a movement that will transform the global face of the profession and advance chiropractic into a brighter tomorrow. The enthusiasm for the WFC's #BeEPIC campaign and the principles that underpin it has been overwhelming," skriver Richard Brown.
"There is now widespread recognition amongst chiropractic leaders that the adoption of evidence-based practice is essential for the profession's growth and acceptance. The clarion call in Berlin was for clinicians to be supported in their work by knowledge translation, the synthesis of emerging best evidence and the adoption of international guidelines as a key component of people-centered care, serving society and communities as well as patients in our offices and clinics," konkluderer han.
I sin leder skriver formanden, Laurie Tassel:
"We must recognize our responsibility to not simply concern ourselveswith the care of patientsbut also our role
asadvocates for health promotion and disease prevention."
Hele nummeret er dedikeret til den netop afholdte verdenskongres i Berlin, som fejrede triumfer over overskriften og tagget #beepic.
Det fortæller også, at Greg Kawchuk er genvalgt som formand for WFC's forsningsråd og om de mange begivenheder, der skete på kongressen.
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