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European Chiropractors' Union måtte aflyse sin ECU Convention i foråret, men spurgte nogle af oplægsholderne, om de ville dele ud af den viden, de havde tænkt sig at holde oplæg om.

Det ville mange af dem gerne - og nu kan ECU præsentere: The Lockdown Series. 

Videoerne deles på ECU's youtubekanal ECU Talks hver mandag fra i dag den 2. november.

Første præsentation er fra professor Greg Kawchuk, Alberta University, som diskuterer, hvordan big data ændrer kiropraktik.



  • 2/11: Greg Kawchuk How Big Data is Transforming Chiropractic
  • 16/11: Michael Freeman Medicocausation in Auto Litigation
  • 30/11: Mark Thomas Incident Reporting and Learning Using CPiRLS
  • 14/12: Cecilie K Overås Objectively Measured Physical Behaviour and Neck and/or LBP
  • 28/12: Casper Nim Pain Sensitivity following SMT for chronic LBP
  • 11/1: Dave Newell The Therapeutic Encounter
  • 25/1: Robert Silverman The Gut-Brain Axis
  • 8/2: Simon Billings Vitamin B12 : An Epidemic of Misdiagnosis and Missed Diagnoses
  • 22/2: Rikke Krüger Jensen Chiropractic Website Claims about non-MSK conditions in Denmark, Kristina Boe Dissing MSK pain in Danish schoolchildren aged 8-16 og Corrie Myburgh Chiropractors and Elite Danish Football Clubs
  • 8/3: Jamiu Busari United We Stand – Divided We Fall: The need for greater interprofessional collaboration
  • 22/3: Vasileios Gkolfinopoulos Closing speech 


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